Greater Manchester and Cheshire Urology

Laurence Clarke

BM BCh (Oxon) BA (Oxon) FRCS (Urol) PGCME

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Greater Manchester and Cheshire Urology

Laurence Clarke was educated in Chester before studying medicine and human physiological sciences at Wadham College, University of Oxford, from where he graduated in 2004. He subsequently moved back to the North West of England and ultimately completed urological surgical training in 2014, at which point he was appointed to the role of consultant urological surgeon at Salford Royal Hospital. His clinical interests include the management of male and female incontinence, reconstructive urology and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

He has also developed interests in postgraduate and undergraduate medical education, quality improvement and medical leadership. He has completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education and a Diploma in Leading Healthcare Improvements. He has led a number of quality improvement initiatives and service development programmes, for which he has been awarded a level 1 clinical excellence award.

He has previously held the position of associate director of postgraduate medical education for the division of surgery and tertiary medicine at Salford Royal and clinical director for the Salford Urology service. He is currently Clinical Transformation Lead for the Northern Care Alliance (NCA) Urology service.